Our rates for tutoring are computed by the hour. However, these hours may be used as one-hour sessions or broken up into two (2) 30-minute or three (3) 20-minute sessions. Many students and instructors feel that frequent 20-minute sessions are more beneficial than less frequent one-hour sessions. Start out with what you think is best for you and customize your sessions (their length and frequency) as you determine what works best

Tutoring Sessions may be rescheduled without charge with 24 hour notice.

For all sessions you may make your initial purchase either in a 1 hour or 5 hour set. Subsquent sets are purchased in 5 hour blocks.


Charges include study and session materials in PDF format and MP3 audio files.



First Hour - 8US$

5 Hour Set 40US$


First Hour - 8US$

5 Hour Set 40US$


First Hour - 8US$


5 Hour Set 40US$


First Hour - 8US$


5 Hour Set 40US$


First Hour - 8US$


5 Hour Set 40US$


First Hour - 8US$


5 Hour Set 40US$


First Hour - 8US$


5 Hour Set 40US$


Simplifed Chinese - 25US$ per 1000 characters


Traditional Chinese - 35US$ per 1000 characters


First Hour - 10US$


5 Hour Set 50US$

 For more information or to get started please contact our student/tutor coordinator, Jacqueline, at jacqueline@prchinese.com


For English Proofreading, Review, Editing, Copy Writing, Academic Manuscript Editing, please visit our Partners in English Document Review and Editing.
